About Me

Hi! I am Susanne Boer, illustrator and designer, working under the company name SB Designs Creations. I'd like to tell you a bit more about myself, my company, and my entrepreneurial journey. It's been quite a journey!

As a little girl, I already knew that there was more to this world than meets the eye. I saw things, felt things, and have always felt deeply connected to the universe and nature. I'm a dreamer and often find myself getting lost in thoughts and daydreams. At the same time, I keep my feet on the ground and feel connected to the here and now. Constantly working on balancing between the ethereal and the earthly is the key in that regard. Spirituality is a verb, not an achievement you can check off.

Throughout my life, I've felt a desire to do more with this, to help others in my own unique way. That way has found itself in the creative field. "Creative energy" is a term and driving force that resonates deeply with me. With a passion for illustrating and designing, I've ended up on a path that feels right for me after many detours. Original design products, created directly from my heart, infused with intention and deeper meanings, especially for you.


I want to connect you with your true self, amplify the magic within and around you, and motivate & inspire you to experience more magic in your life.

So, with creativity and from the heart & soul, I aim to bring a touch of magic into the world. But before I started embodying this purpose, I went on quite a journey. When I registered my company in 2014 under the name SB Designs, I had the idea (because I thought I didn't stand a chance in the fantasy/spiritual art market) to focus on the graphic and business market. Ultimately, my inner passion for illustration, fantasy, and spirituality proved to be much stronger. I couldn't fully let go of that, and my business found itself in a split. On one hand, there was the business side, and on the other hand, the side where my heart lay (but where I was afraid I couldn't make a living).

That split resulted in May 2016 in a second company trade name: SB Designs Creations. And then suddenly, there was space for all my own illustrations, a search for ways to translate them into products began. Suddenly, I wasn't confined within business boundaries anymore; I experienced a sea of freedom. It was a step I found terrifying to take, but one that was necessary to follow my heart.

2016, 2017, and part of 2018 were years during which I was truly searching for how I could shape the direction of illustration, fantasy, spirituality, and original design products. I tried out all sorts of things. Some things were a good match, and others I let go of. It wasn't easy. I had to overcome personal barriers (including being more open about spirituality), and at the same time, my level of illustration wasn't where I wanted it to be yet. I've had moments where my courage faltered, especially when I faced setbacks.

With this second trade name, I also felt the freedom to open my own webshop. It started with an Etsy shop in May 2016. In the beginning, just 1 or 2 orders per month, but this grew rapidly. Also, my own webshop, this very one, was developed. After 3 different versions and 2 total website crashes, this website finally came to life in 2018. SB Designs Creations, my own little corner of the internet, haha!

Today, I mainly want to focus on staying in motion. Of course, I still want to grow my business, but it doesn't have to be at a rapid pace. The most important thing for me is that everything I do aligns with my vision.